Aug 20, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

This is going to go even more viral than the first one. Keep lapping the schmuck hacks who call themselves “political analysts” at the NYT, WAPO etc.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Nice one Ett, keep up the Mentum

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

another banger mr ettingermentum, the ground is fertile for people to take a serious look at how political transphobia plays out, and i'm glad to see that not only has your analysis turned pundits' heads but you've continued to expand and refine it here.

as a trans woman in a red state just teetering on the brink of competitiveness i agree with your prognosis that the current republican trajectory will weaken them electorally but nevertheless still put a lot of trans people (esp in red states/areas) in great danger. (and cis queer ppl, even allies too, see what happened recently in cedar glen.) i'm hoping that as many of us can weather out the storm as possible. thanks for doin what you do big man

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Unlike what stupid centrist pundits might think, it’s pretty clear that Republican transphobia is motivated not by any cold political calculus but is generated by their party’s takeover by white evangelicals and their implacable commitment to traditional gender roles. They’re not this way strategically, they really are this way and the majority of Americans hate it.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Your bush losing lines hit every time

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Great post ettingermentum. To add on to what Attempted and Failed Flaneur said (and I admit this is just what I've gotten from arguing with rightoids on Twitter, and perhaps this isn't the case for the less terminally-online ones), the educated fascists, especially the Catholic ones, think democratic legitimacy is simply pointless in the first place.

As you say in the OP, "Republicans refuse to recognize this fact," the fact being the unpopularity of anti-trans politics, but a lot of the Claremont types think this is only to be expected. They tend to be big on Plato's Republic, specifically the part where the philosopher-kings are the only ones who actually know what the True, Good, and Beautiful are, with the masses of the rest of humanity being to stupid and unenlightened to figure it out. Those kinds of fascists--er, excuse me, "authoritarians"--would and do claim that the common American is just too stupid to understand that trans stuff is actually THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD, and that the philosopher-kings of the Heritage institute should both eschew public opinion entirely and ensure they can keep the public firmly under their boot through the dictatorial use of force. Thus, even as they continue to lose at the ballot box, they'll fantasize about the bullet-box. We are lucky that most of these Heritage dweebs will fail even harder with the second than the first.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

as a trans woman who grew up in Wisconsin, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your work here 🙏🏻 when the supreme court election results became clear, I remember grabbing a friend by the shoulders and excitedly bellowing, “my home state is going to be a democracy for the first time in my adult life!” 🥲😭

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So happy for you that you got to experience that. Maybe one day it'll happen here in Georgia.

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The Wisconsin election brings up fond memories. It was scheduled just before I graduated UW-Madison and headed back to New Jersey. I was just happy I could be one vote in the election to bring back democracy to my (temporarily adopted) state.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Welcome back to NJ, that will be the final consequential vote you cast in your life

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Well, I could end up living in Philly. Unless that happens, yeah.

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At what point do these weirdos decide that doubling down on these "issues" is a losing prospect? I'll add, North Alabama DSA put together a protest of Mom's for Liberty at Madison Public Library, and that event was a smashing success for us. Got local news coverage and everything. They almost cancelled the event entirely; we put that much community pressure on the library. "Capacity issues" was cited. If this shit isn't popular in Alabama, you really have to scratch your head to see it work for the country at large. Keep doing the Lord's work on this stuff. ✊

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I have no idea what you are trying to say, but it sounds like you hate trans people, and for that I'd encourage you to both learn about the subject material and how the fuck to write a mother fucking intelligible sentence.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Has this phenomenon of a party crutching on a losing issue ever happened like this before? Perhaps the republicans obsession with cutting social security, but they knew enough to try to hide that one. The closest I can think is the antebellum Dems obsession with slavery, but obviously that wasn’t based on political calculus.

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School busing is something that always comes to mind for me when thinking of a comparison.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

thanks dude

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

i still hold a candle for Ettingermentum finally succeeding Vergil as 4th chair on Chapo. loved the episode going over the midterms he was on

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

Another banger. As someone who lives here and experienced it, you were dead-on about Ohio and Issue 1 and the context leading up to it starting all the way back in 2010.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

I want a dozen more of these

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

And the GOP wants to give them to you!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by ettingermentum

I’m curious what you think the inevitable Trump campaign’s response here looks like? I think any other plausible candidate besides him leans into the transphobia hard, so this seems like yet another reason to fear that Trump is by far the most electorally plausible challenger to Biden.

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