Very helpful! Also love the casual girlfriend lore drop

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Bonus DLC

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Thank you for this. My primary is next week and I now know writing in uncommitted is useless. Need to just pick an alternative and vote for them.

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any advice for illinois voters on the best option ?

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I guess Dean. Marianne technically has better policies but she’s very unserious and annoying. It doesn’t really matter though, the real goal is getting Biden’s number as low as possible.

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It’s disappointing to live in a Category 3 state but now I know what to do! Thank you!

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Not to be a annoying, but write-in votes are a huge pain for pollworkers. If the election jurisdiction uses paper ballots inserted into a ballot counter; most, if not all, ballot counters cannot read handwriting. This requires pollworkers to dig through ballots or look through digital images from the ballot counter (if this is allowed by the state and the jurisdiction has the technology) to find each write in and tally the results. Considering that most pollworkers are retirees that likely are working a long day (more so for in-person Election Day voting, but still); it’s a very tedious process looking for votes for individuals that have no chance of winning. So pollworkers tend to view it as a waste of their time while working a thankless, often barely-paid volunteer position solely because of their sense of civic duty. I’m not trying to say don’t do it, but I wanted to give an fyi.

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Yeah I don’t blame them at all, it makes total sense that they don’t take the time to do it. Ideally every state would just have an uncommitted option, or we would have a named candidate actually worth voting for.

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Hold on. Blank ballots do count for something in Category 4 and 5. Because President isn’t the only race on the ballot. If I vote on all the other lines but not that one, my other votes count. If Biden gets fewer votes than his fellow Dems downballot, that shows up. And it might actually be really important: it’s looking increasingly likely that people will do this in the general. I know I will.

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That’s a little more abstract I think. The idea here is replicating the Michigan thing—i.e., reducing his percentage.

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It still matters! Don’t rob us of our agency! I promise you they’ll notice. Ballot underhang gets attention.

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Yes. I honestly think you should change this article. You shouldn't be telling people to turn in "blank ballots" because there's other stuff to vote for. You should be telling folks to "undervote President" i.e. vote for lower offices but leave President blank. That's what it's called in electoral campaign speak "the undervote". And campaigns do notice it

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There might be states in which a full primary ballot is required! In which case you’re running out of time to update this blog!

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Re category 2: in Vermont, you cannot in fact write in dead people or “demiurge” if you want the vote counted as a write-in rather than getting tossed as a spoiled ballot. You have to write in a real person.

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You're doing the Lord's work. My dumb ass definitely would've voted for no one (I live in Texas). Now I guess I'll vote for Marianne :/

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I can't wait to vote for uncommitted and say fuck you Joe Brandon. Thanks ettingermentum! I was wondering what was gonna be my protest option on my MO mail in ballot next week

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If I had read this before Super Tuesday I would’ve kept my ballot blank. Instead the first vote I ever cast was for Dean Phillips. Ugh

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fellow Georgian here. Is there anyone from our pre-approved write in candidate list worth my time? Or should I just flip a coin between Dean and Marianne

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Category 4 here. How do I find my list of qualified write in candidates? Or should I just vote Dean?

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If anyone knows the qualified write in candidates for VA, I'd appreciate it. I'd rather not have to ask a poll worker and then sit in the booth with my phone trying to decide if any of them are worth voting for. I suppose I'll default to Phillips since that seems like a clearer "not Biden" vote than supporting Williamson.

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The Indiana DNC say that write-ins will be permitted, but I have no idea what that means in practice -- https://indems.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Indiana-2024-Delegate-Selection-Plan-1.pdf

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I live in New York - do you know if the ballot is actually discarded if you write in a random protest candidate? Like if I were to vote for Jane Fonda for prez, would my whole ballot (including downballot votes) get thrown out?

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The results pages count blank and void ballots. I think that *may* include ineligible write-ins, but I’m not sure, so I erred on the side of caution.

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So on the map Indiana is a category 5 state, however it's may 7th primary isn't included on the list

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