Getting deceived on foreign policy by republicans is like losing at chess to a rock

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If only I could post images in Substack article comments so I could post the "Fell For It Again Award" MAGA Wojak

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I'm shocked, completely shocked to find out that the most anti-war president has been duped into hiring such hawks. Next thing you'll tell me is that they're not serious about reducing the federal deficit.

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Great common sense reporting that seems to be sorely lacking about the Trump picks.

I’d love to hear you do an in depth analysis on what an ideal foreign policy for a future candidate would look like. Considering the breadth of foreign policy issues, there are moments when the US should be more hawkish (Ukraine), isolationist (Israel), contradictory (China) and unsure (I genuinely haven’t heard anyone articulate a solid Iran policy in a decade and don’t even know what one would look like)

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"She has spent her entire career disappointing those who placed their hopes in her."

I hated Tulsi Gabbard before it was cool.

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That map is excellent. Drumpf and his chumps

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thanks, great piece, as always. Canada is also taking on an orange hue of late.

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Attempting to divine any kind of coherent plan, strategy, or philosophy behind anything Trump does or says other than to keep his name in the lights, burnish his image and make rake in the dough, is a fool's errand.

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