omg first question: what do you think the dems should do if they want to bust the red exurban walls? i’m so tired of living in a state where policy is decided by accountants that drive f250s.
Hi Mr. Mentum, hope you are well. Two questions: 1) what is your favorite Alien movie and 2) How much, if at all, do you think Kamala will change the cabinet and do you have any semi-realistic changes that you’d like to see? I’m hoping she demotes buttigieg into some bullshit ambassadorship but I doubt that’ll happen lol
How has the Republican Party flopped so hard in terms of candidate recruitment in the Senate? I know there was a focus on recruiting self-funders, but with a half-dozen swing state Dems up for election, how is it that control of the Senate will rest on the shoulders of Stolen Valor Steve winning an R+11 state?
banger after banger mr. mentum - one question: mechanically, how do things like ancestral dems and de-industrialization actually work? why does my home state of ohio suck so much now?
I also recommend the book Cultural Evolution by Ronald Ingelhart who explains the background of why the broader western left lost the working class as their main base of support in exchange for a base made up of the middle class and educated voters.
You may like the book laboratories of autocracy it covers state houses and specifically Ohio! Also blue Ohio is an org looking to address some of those problems
personally i haven't had any hope for a while now because the ODP is run by idiots who think that Athens is a city in Greece. the referenda prove this place is still a swing state but i recently moved and odds are not good that i come back. we'll see and i'll add that to my ever-growing reading list that i don't touch.
My best bet is that Schumer will not run for re-election in 2026 and she’ll be the odds-on favorite to run for his senate seat, but there’s an outside shot she tries to challenge Hochul for governor since everyone hates Hochul, or she just stays in the house and pushes for speaker at some point
omg first question: what do you think the dems should do if they want to bust the red exurban walls? i’m so tired of living in a state where policy is decided by accountants that drive f250s.
Did Kamala stumble onto a new meta for elections?
Without being a fucking Bayesian dork like nasty Nate, what odds do you give the k hive in November?
Hi Mr. Mentum, hope you are well. Two questions: 1) what is your favorite Alien movie and 2) How much, if at all, do you think Kamala will change the cabinet and do you have any semi-realistic changes that you’d like to see? I’m hoping she demotes buttigieg into some bullshit ambassadorship but I doubt that’ll happen lol
Ps if selected I would prefer my name not be listed in the article, thanks!
Do you think Tim Walz is full of shit when he says he has no plans for the presidency?
Is he full of shit? No
Would he change his mind? I hope so
I kinda hope so
will ohio vote for a democrat outside of sherrod brown in the next decade
Personally, I have hope that we’ll have more statewide elected Dems by the end of the decade
I am putting my marker down that Ohio will go blue in the general.
How has the Republican Party flopped so hard in terms of candidate recruitment in the Senate? I know there was a focus on recruiting self-funders, but with a half-dozen swing state Dems up for election, how is it that control of the Senate will rest on the shoulders of Stolen Valor Steve winning an R+11 state?
Thoughts on the new fortnite season?
banger after banger mr. mentum - one question: mechanically, how do things like ancestral dems and de-industrialization actually work? why does my home state of ohio suck so much now?
I also recommend the book Cultural Evolution by Ronald Ingelhart who explains the background of why the broader western left lost the working class as their main base of support in exchange for a base made up of the middle class and educated voters.
You may like the book laboratories of autocracy it covers state houses and specifically Ohio! Also blue Ohio is an org looking to address some of those problems
personally i haven't had any hope for a while now because the ODP is run by idiots who think that Athens is a city in Greece. the referenda prove this place is still a swing state but i recently moved and odds are not good that i come back. we'll see and i'll add that to my ever-growing reading list that i don't touch.
Does a decisive Kamala win finally end the trump era?
Are we done with soaring rhetoric for a while?
Does Pete Buttigieg have a future?
Señor Mentum, if you had to try guess the October surprise, what do you think is most likely to happen?
Maybe Trump leaves the closet or Kamala stores her emails on an unprotected personal server
Which higher office do you think AOC is most likely to seek first and how soon do you think she makes the leap?
My best bet is that Schumer will not run for re-election in 2026 and she’ll be the odds-on favorite to run for his senate seat, but there’s an outside shot she tries to challenge Hochul for governor since everyone hates Hochul, or she just stays in the house and pushes for speaker at some point
Speaker of the House. She wants to stay in her safe seat until the seas doth reclaim NY-14, and rule for generations as the new Nancy Pelosi.
Was Biden the most pro-union president in American history as he claimed?
do you have favorite political pods?
What's a race the DCCC and NRCC are not currently targeting that's worth investing in for each party?